Your Fundraising Assistant

Try FundraiserGPT

A ChatGPT assistant for fundraisers

Use the form below to generate draft fundraising appeal text for your nonprofit or charity.

Generate a fundraising appeal for your nonprofit, charity or cause.

Fill in and submit the form below. For the best results try to provide as much detail as possible within the character limits for each field.

1. Enter your charity or nonprofit's name
0 / 100

ChatGPT already has extensive knowledge of nonprofits and charities and will likely know the basics about your organization's mission and goals, but you will still need to provide details about your current fundraising campaign.

2. Describe your fundraising campaign

Select a type of fundraising appeal

Describe the main topic or issue for this appeal

0 / 250

Tip: If you are referencing a current or recent event, provide as much detail as possible.

Identify the intended audience for this appeal

0 / 250
3. Fine tune your appeal with additional detail

Select the emotional tone to be used for this appeal.

Describe the urgency for this appeal

0 / 250

Outline the impact that donations to this appeal can make.

0 / 250
4. Choose an output format
5. Click Generate to create your draft fundraising appeal.